Medical needs at school
At our school, we are committed to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to lead a successful and fulfilling life. We believe that all pupils, including those with medical conditions, should be able to fully engage in and benefit from their educational experiences. As outlined in Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014, schools have a statutory duty to effectively support pupils with medical conditions, whether these conditions are physical or mental health-related.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all pupils with medical needs receive the appropriate support to enable them to participate fully in school life, including school trips, residential activities, and extracurricular events. We aim to create an inclusive environment where pupils with medical conditions can achieve their full academic potential, maintain their health, and actively engage with the school community.
Other policies that may support our families and children include the Health and Safety legislation, the SEND Code of Practice, and the Equality Act 2010. They acknowledge the possibility that some children with medical conditions may also be disabled or have special educational needs (SEN). In such cases, we are committed to making reasonable adjustments to support their access and participation in school activities, as required by law.
Supporting pupils with medical conditions is a shared responsibility. This policy emphasises the importance of collaborative working between the school, healthcare professionals, Parents/Carers, and other relevant agencies to meet the diverse needs of each pupil. We recognise that medical conditions can have a significant impact on a child's education, social interactions, and emotional well-being. Therefore, we are dedicated to creating a supportive and responsive environment where the individual needs of pupils with medical conditions are met to help them succeed both academically and personally.
Our full Supporting Pupils at School with Medical conditions policy can be viewed HERE
We are proud to have been awarded Asthma Friendly School status by Manchester Local Care Organisation.
In order to achieve this status the school had to demonstrate the following:
- Named Asthma Champion - Tracy Smith
- Have an Asthma policy in place - Click here to view our policy
- Have an Asthma register clearly stating child's name and DOB of student with consent to administer medication.
- Emergency kits located at key points throughout the school.
- Each student to have an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP)
- Over 85% of our staff are received Asthma training